Philatelic Society of Canberra  OPEN – DAY 

19th April – Baptist Hall Kingston

11 Currie Crescent 0930 AM – 2.00 PM

Free Entry , open to the public.

A range of Stamps, Coins & Collectables will be for sale

Edlins of Canberra are attending plus the Societies own sales table

Future Dates for 2025

  • Saturday 12 July
  • Saturday 4 October
  • Saturday 13 December



The Philatelic Society of Canberra Inc

CanberraThe Philatelic Society of Canberra is one of Australia’s most active philatelic societies, celebrating 90 years of operation in November 2022.

Over the years several well-known Australian philatelists including Dr Alan Tippett, Alan Salisbury, ISO and Dr Ed Druce have been prominent members of the Society, laying the foundations upon which the current membership continues to successfully participate in and contribute to philatelic activities at a local, national and international level. The Society welcomes collectors from across the broad spectrum of philatelic knowledge and participation, from beginners through to the most experienced exhibitors.


Philatelic Society of Canberra Inc – Facebook Page



There are many benefits to membership with membership fees for 2024 $60 a year for local members and $45 a year for out of town members. Early Bird discount of $10 applies.

  • Access to a great library;
  • Access to Society’s meetings
  • Access to reasonably priced material for your collection;
  • Lower costs on accessories;
  • The Society’s Journal Capital Philately
  • Access to information on all aspects of the hobby and the opportunity to learn from experienced stamp collectors

You’ll see more stamps and related material; and
Friendships that last a lifetime.

Download Membership Form

Society Membership Form


The program contains our full range of meetings which includes our first Thursday meeting where society business is conducted and we see displays of philatelic material from both society members and invited displays from around Australia.

On the third Thursday we have an exchange book evening where members can buy stamps for their collection. The exchange books are also circulated to members to peruse in the quiet of their own homes.

Other meetings include our postcard group and our specialist Machin group which meet once a month.


Canberra Philatelic Society

The Philatelic Society of Canberra is has its own clubroom in the multipurpose Griffin Centre, 20 Genge St, Canberra. The Clubroom contains our extensive library which is open to all members and is used for smaller meetings. There is a range of meeting rooms in the Griffin Centre where we hold our other larger meetings.

The Society also produces a journal, Capital Philately. It contains a wide variety of articles and has special sections for our two specialist groups – postcards and Machins.

COVID 19 Safety Plan


Society History

80th Anniversary Article

75th Anniversary Article (Part 1)

75th Anniversary Article (Part 2)